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Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, creative and happy environment, enabling children to enjoy their childhood and equip them with the skills to create a fulfilling life.

Rocksteady Care provides a safe and nurturing home for young people who are between 8 and 14 years of age, are in care and can't live with a family. 

We currently accommodate three young people, placements may be of any length. Our staff team is there 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

We will eventually accommodate 5 young people in our flag ship home and are looking to provide three further homes in the future.

We support young people who:

  • Have had a breakdown in relationships at home or in foster care

  • Are in care and need to prepare for living independently

  • Need support with emotional or behavioral difficulties

We also look after young people who are vulnerable or volatile and whose behavior can be challenging. We make sure they have a framework of care, support and education that keeps them safe, gives them a chance to mature and take steps to achieve their future aims and ambitions.

We pride ourselves on having a wonderful home and team of staff who really do provide Rocksteady Care to every child or young person we have the privilege to look after.

Our home is a safe, nurturing and creative environment where children and young people are able to develop and grow at their own pace to maximize their potential emotionally, physically, intellectually and socially whilst helping them achieve the skills they desire to help them achieve their career goals.

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