OFSTED rated
GOOD in all areas
01795 477525
Residential Acting Manager portia@rocksteadycare.co.uk
Mobile: 07831396058

Sense of self. Free expression. Personal growth. Positive connections. Quality care.
Rocksteady Care Ltd aims to achieve positive outcomes for all young people by encouraging a positive sense of “self”. This is evidenced by responding to young people’s individuality and treating them with dignity and respect regardless of their race, culture, gender, sexuality, language or religion.
We value and encourage the free expression of every young person’s wishes and feelings. In order to achieve this we support and engage with young people on a regular basis through key working sessions to provide them with an opportunity to express their views through house meetings, informal conversation and regular quality assurance questionnaires.
The staff team encourage all young people to be fully involved and have an advocate to express their voice in their care planning, LAC review meetings, EHC meetings and all aspects of their care and support. We will fully support and encourage young people to access their independent advocate to support them in making their choices. Staff will encourage and support all young people’s educational programmes, this includes working in partnership with external educational provision to identify any potential barrier to learning, homework support etc.
We believe that regardless of age, race, religion, gender, ability or circumstance, music and creative arts can enhance and assist in the aspirations, educational needs and development of everyone’s self-confidence, self-esteem and personal growth.
We will facilitate educational support from an external provider when a young person is not in full time education and will work in close partnership with placing authorities and other external agencies to ensure the educational and social needs of the young person are being met.
At our home we monitor and review all activity schedules and produce this information in pictorial format to ensure that we are able to monitor a young person’s ability to engage, enjoy and achieve. All activities are reviewed regularly to prevent boredom and to develop new hobbies, skills and interests through key worker sessions. Our staff encourage, support and reward positive behaviour, this is achieved by increasing young people’s social awareness skills in encouraging positive stable peer relationships.
We are committed to keeping young people safe and protected from all forms of abuse and harm by ensuring a thorough risk assessment of each young person remains current and reflective of their needs. Management ensure all new recruits undertake a robust safer recruitment process and are adequately trained to meet the needs of the young people in our care.
The leadership and management team are qualified and experienced in maintaining a stable, professional, fully trained workforce and the close monitoring and regular supervision of all staff achieve this. Monthly staff meeting ensures that all staff are fully informed of revisions to policies, procedures and young people’s care plans and that all work and information is transparent. All staff receive a full induction programme including external training courses and the development plan is reviewed at each supervision.